Actions You Can Take at School
(from the EPA at:
1. Explore the Science of Climate Change
Visit the EPA’s Climate Change Kids website and their Climate Animations to explore the science and impacts of climate change. The site has games to help students, parents, and teachers learn about the science of climate change and what they can do to reduce greenhouse gases.
2. Monitor your school’s climate impact
Investigate the link between everyday actions at school, greenhouse gas pollution, and climate change. Using EPA’s Climate Change Emission Calculator Kit (Climate CHECK), students can estimate their school’s greenhouse gas pollution and produce an action plan.
3. Learn about climate change and ecosystems
Faculty and students can use the new EPA “Climate Change, Wildlife, and Wildlands Toolkit for Formal and Informal Educators” to learn about the science of climate change and its potential effects on our nation’s wildlife and their habitats.
4. Estimate household greenhouse gases
Enhance critical thinking skills by introducing the EPA’s “Global Warming Wheel Card Classroom Activity Kit.” A hand-held wheel card helps students estimate household greenhouse gas pollution, which inspires students to think about reducing their personal, family, school, and community contributions to climate change.
5. Learn from other educators
Investigate how other schools and organizations are educating about climate change by clicking on the EPA’s “Educators’ Links”, a searchable database with links to lesson plans, videos, books, and toolkits.
6. Inspire your school district
Partner with the EPA’s highly successful “ENERGY STAR for K-12” program, where school districts become energy efficient, reduce greenhouse gas pollution, and save money! School administrators can develop an inventory of their school’s emissions and take the EPA’s 2009-2010 “College and University Green Power Challenge.”
7. Reduce, reuse, recycle
Recycle campus paper, newspapers, beverage containers, electronic equipment, and batteries. Use two-sided copying, buy supplies made with recycled content, and recycle printer cartridges. Investigate leasing programs to ensure reuse and recycling or donate used equipment to schools or other organizations.
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ClimateWise grows its programs through the generous support of caring people who believe we can and must do a better job addressing climate change for our children and those who will follow.