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Testimonial Stories

Larry Allen
, Air Pollution Control Officer
, San Luis Obispo

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“The Climate Change Adaptation planning effort for San Luis Obispo County was a highly informative and motivating process that combined science and the collective knowledge of community leaders and informed citizens to identify strategic actions needed to proactively address the potential impacts of climate change in our region. The resulting plan provides a comprehensive blueprint for the future and gives confidence that we can protect public health, the environment and our local economy by acting on its recommendations. I was honored to be part of such an inspiring and fruitful collaborative process.

Larry Allen

Air Pollution Control Officer

San Luis Obispo, California County Air Pollution Control District

ClimateWise Testimonials

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The ClimateWise process organized by the Geos Institute was marvelous in the way it brought together decision makers and citizens to share information about climate change. San Luis Obispo’s decision process toward grass roots sustainability was made a whole lot easier by this. Two aspects really gave a jump start to helping city and regional planners: getting the GEOS scientific expertise input early on; and getting the major stakeholders on board. The outcome of this process also helped fuel a successful grant for the city and region.

Jan Marx
Mayor of San Luis Obispo, CA

The Climate Change Adaptation planning effort for San Luis Obispo County was a highly informative and motivating process that combined science and the collective knowledge of community leaders and informed citizens to identify strategic actions needed to proactively address the potential impacts of climate change in our region. The resulting plan provides a comprehensive blueprint for the future and gives confidence that we can protect public health, the environment and our local economy by acting on its recommendations. I was honored to be part of such an inspiring and fruitful collaborative process.

Larry Allen
Air Pollution Control Officer
San Luis Obispo (CA) County Air Pollution Control District


Participant comments on ClimateWise workshops:

The workshop was instructive, informative, and beneficial. Thanks for this! Great discussions, presentations, and lunch. Fresno, CA

I feel as thought I have developed a more solid knowledge base as well as valuable agency contacts. Fresno, CA

I was encouraged by the number of fantastic people who participated today.  Sometimes facing climate change in this valley can be a bit depressing, but this workshop was a positive experience. (Fresno)

You have no idea how much this will help me in my job. The elected officials must get this info to use in local decisions… Chris Lehn, Kings County, CA

This was great! It seems really important to do this workshop here (Fresno, CA). There were a lot of people here that really benefitted, including me! Bobby Kamansky, Fresno, CA

Listening to all the different problems and possible solutions really expanded my understanding of the (climate change) impacts. Missoula, MT

I’m better informed (having attended this workshop) to go out and share this information with neighbors and friends. Betty Thisted, Missoula, MT

Good job in bringing diverse groups and a diversity of interests together. Missoula, MT

I have wanted to start taking action for a long time. I’m so glad to see this happening in Missoula and I am happy that I was asked to participate and give my opinions.  … The first step is always the hardest in a long journey. Now that the first step has been taking, do not stop; start running! Roger Marshall, Missoula, MT

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