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Terms of Use
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Our Dominant Intent on This Site.
We want to stabilize atmospheric pollution to prevent future disastrous climate changes, and increase community readiness in the face of climate-related disturbances.
Who We Support.
We intend this site to support those who embrace the consensus scientific view of climate change, and we welcome honest skeptics seeking to understand that climate change science.
Climate Deniers.
If you approach the climate change issue from a dogmatic, ideological, or science-denier perspective, we ask you to refrain from attempting to convince us, and we promise to respect your right of opinion as well.
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- You seek to deepen the learning and/or further the action in stabilizing pollution and creating community readiness for climate changes
- You do not use this site for any illegal purposes.
- You honor all of the terms above in this “Fine Print” section of the site.
Latest News
Stakeholder Recommendations for Climate Resilience Budget
ClimateWise Director Tonya Graham receives award for climate resilience work
“Justice is what love looks like in public”
ClimateWise grows its programs through the generous support of caring people who believe we can and must do a better job addressing climate change for our children and those who will follow.